2017年7月3日 星期一

Touring around Kaohsiung with Taxi Driver Syu Cyun-dian

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2017/07/03 第232期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Touring around Kaohsiung with Taxi Driver Syu Cyun-dian
活動快遞 高雄鴨子船嶄新夜航遊程 璀璨愛河注入觀光強心針

Touring around Kaohsiung with Taxi Driver Syu Cyun-dian

(English translation: Hou Ya-ting; Photos by Zeng Guo-shu, CHSG STUDIO)

 Mr. Syu Cyun-dian is a taxi driver who starts work early every day. He was born and raised in Taipei, but had previously worked in Beijing. A decade ago, he moved to Kaohsiung to take care of his elderly parents. When he first moved, he wasn't very familiar with the city, but three years ago, he became a taxi driver, in order to get to know it better. At first, he would confess to passengers that he didn't know the shortest way to their destinations. Luckily, the passengers didn't seem to mind. Today, he is a licensed tourist taxi driver and takes visitors sightseeing around the city and uses Line in order to let passengers know he is on his way to pick them up.
 Mr. Syu is also an expert on local eateries. He was delighted to show off some of his favorites. Mr. Syu explained that although most people have fixed time for breakfast, cab drivers' breakfast times must go in accordance with the passengers' itinerary.
 His first destination was a well know breakfast place called Guanghe Cold Noodles in Zuoying District. Situated on Jhihsheng Road, the 30-year-old-eatery is a branch of the original, which is located on Minsheng East Road, in Taipei. He mentioned that he usually eats there once a week. His favorite dish is a large, spicy bowl of cold noodles that is served with Miso soup, julienne cucumber, sesame paste, soy sauce, vinegar and garlic. The Miso soup is made from dried fish, Bonito flakes, miso, egg, sliced scallions and tofu. He feels Guanghe Cold Noodles' Miso soup is the best in town.
 His second destination was Siao-ma's Zongzih and Steamed Rice Pudding. He discovered the eatery one day when he was just driving by. Open 24 hours a day, it is perfect for cab drivers that work diverse hours. Sometimes, he brings passengers there for a late night snack.
 At Siao-ma, he orders a bowl of thread bean noodles with pork balls, sliced bok choi in satay sauce and savory rice pudding. The steamed rice pudding is infused with pork and fried shallots and topped with dried radish, which gives it a crunch. He highly recommends the unique combination.
 Finally, he introduces Fongyi Vermicelli, which is a stall located on Guoguang Road, in Wujia's public housing zone. The proprietor, Ms. Cai Hong Jin-fong was there setting tables under a Mango tree. Customers can enjoy tasty vermicelli in a home-style atmosphere. He really likes the typically Taiwanese cuisine and discovered the stall when he had seen it on a culinary show on TV. He has been a regular ever since. He usually does not enjoy waiting in long line-ups but feels their vermicelli is so good, he doesn't mind waiting.
 Here he recommends simple vermicelli served with a canned rice cake and stuffed meatballs. The canned rice cake is served with sliced cucumber and fish flakes, highlighting its freshness and flavor. The stuffed fried meatballs feature chewy pork and bamboo shoots. He also suggests adding fresh chopped coriander and garlic paste. Proprietor Ms. Hong highly recommends her four flavored herbal soup with small intestines. The signature dish contains vermicelli with pork, large intestines and sprinkled with chopped coriander.
 Mr. Syu feels there are so many variations of breakfast eateries around Kaohsiung. These are some of his favorites, and he recommends people to go out and try it.

Guanghe Cold Noodles
Address: Number 152, Jhihsheng Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City
(Prices vary from NT$20 to NT$75)
Siao-ma's Zongzih and Steamed Rice Pudding
Address: No. 239, Cisian 2nd Road, Cianjin District, Kaohsiung City
(Price vary from NT$30 to NT$75)
Fongyi Vermicelli
Address: No. 8, Lane 2, Anning Street, Fongshan District, Kaohsiung City
(Prices vary from NT$35 to NT$50)
Mr. Syu Cyun-dian's taxi reservations
Tel: 0980-240-138

高雄鴨子船嶄新夜航遊程 璀璨愛河注入觀光強心針


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