2018年12月24日 星期一

Kaohsiung Agricultural Gift Boxes

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2018/12/24 第272期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Kaohsiung Agricultural Gift Boxes
活動快遞 高雄燈會水噹噹 藝起搖擺暖身秀 點燈儀式百米燈海隧道驚艷港灣

Kaohsiung Agricultural Gift Boxes

◎Written and photos by quava ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting ◎Photos courtesy of Agriculture Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government

 Kaohsiung City Government's Agricultural Bureau has been trying to better promote its local products. They have recently formed the Kaohsiung Farmer's League, which facilitates agricultural exchange, business knowledge and opportunities. The Agricultural Bureau hopes local farmers can bundle their delicious products into gift boxes. They have already created two options that provide samples of some of the region's most delicious products. The boxes can also come with customized printing, company names and logos.

 The Fruity Gift Box includes the following products:

● Cai Wun-ying company's mild and sweet lemon grass tea bags can make delicious hot and cold teas.

● Syu Bo-lin's Ciao Siang Arabic Coffee comes in individual drip bags. The beans are grown locally in the mountainous Namasia District. They have a mellow, sophisticated, nutty flavor and a chocolaty aroma.

● Wu Yi-jhen's Mr. Honeycomb longan honey is smooth, sweet and SGS certificated.

● Chen Bo-jhang's Chen Jiah Juang Orchard mulberry juice is organic and sweet.

● Lou Siou-fang's EP House produces a variety of sweet and sour dried fruit that come from various local farms.

 The other option is the Culinary Gift Box, which comes with the following products:

● Chen Siang-yi established the Siang Siang Farm, which produces turmeric powder and ginger. Turmeric powder is delicious when stirred in with honey, rice and noodles.

● Chen Yi-hong created the Yuan-pin Organic Rice Company and produces the four-colored milled, brown, black and red rice. They are all grown organically and are texturally rich.

● Chen Bo-jhang established the Chen Jiah Juang Orchard, which produces chewy mulberry leaf noodles. They are highly recognized in the industry, with all products being high in dietary fibers.

Kaohsiung Farmer's League website (Chinese-language only): https://bit.ly/2vPdvIC  

高雄燈會水噹噹 藝起搖擺暖身秀 點燈儀式百米燈海隧道驚艷港灣

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